Educational Component

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Educational Component

The six-month course provides personal, educational, and professional training and mentorship for African multilingual youth through interactive sessions using Google Classroom.

Students develop an awareness of the personal strengths and skills required to pursue an active role at the local and global level by completing four personal growth projects during the six-month program.

They work on self-paced learning projects through activities, resources, lectures, and assignments that will be posted per session.  Students receive one-on-one tutoring and mentorship from global volunteers and partners.  Students will have one monthly synchronous meeting.  They are assigned an adviser. 

When they complete the course, students receive a certificate of completion or a certificate of attendance. An ePortfolio containing the final products of each assignment will be created for each student.

Class Content

  • The initial class focuses on English language development with an emphasis on language assessment – listening, writing, reading and writing skills. The final product is a personal narrative – “Who Am I?”
  • This is followed by a class on 21st century skills and employability skills are taught. At the end of this session, each student produces a current resume reflecting their experiences.
  • The third class focuses on how to develop a strategic life plan with an emphasis on critical thinking and the evaluation of life goals (action plan). Students design a one-five year life plan that includes core values, strategic focus areas, and action steps.
  • In the final class, students focus on an Entrepreneurship/Business Plan taking their ideas from Local to Global. This section stresses strategic leadership and assessment models.  The final product is a strategic business plan.

United States


South Sudan

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