Cohort 3 – Completed Program November 2022

South Sudan

Angelina Nyatheep Janguan

Resources clerk, Ministry of Water, reporter. Advanced certificate in Journalism, Media Development Institute

Emmanuel Bida Thomas

Media professional.  Social media marketing management and editor, news reporter. BS Computer Science – Remedial University College, Juba

John Latio Wani Salimba

Trained Public Health Professional. Volunteer at the Juba Peace Library under the South Sudan Library Association. Volunteer teacher at Redeemer Academy Nursery and Primary School teaching reading and writing. Plans to continue studies and/or work as a Public Health Officer in South Sudan.

Leju Benjamin Modi Jansuk

Trained medical doctor who currently works in a public health setting. Plans to become a leading epidemiologist of a reputable research and publishing organization in South Sudan.

Marle Mark

Graduate of the Natural Resource Management diploma program from Juba University, South Sudan.  Researcher and a critical thinker. An active member of an advocacy group on menstrual health in the community. Goal is to create a business that will be self-sustainable for decades to come.


Beatrice Banda

Communications and advertisement brand promoter.  Staging sound recording and lighting equipment and maintenance.

Dyrene Mulenga

Computer skills, Scout teacher, sales assistant and bookkeeper, cashier.  Attended Benbar Technologies Solwezi College and Mel Computer  Systems Kitwe College

Samuel Lungu

Experienced entrepreneur. Opened a clothing business in Lusaka. Goal is to boost business to another level.


Joseph Gadi Dosman

Teacher, caregiver Life Foundation ECD Center (Voluntary Service Overseas (VSO)

United States


South Sudan

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